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Ca2+ imaging

Super resolution microscopes that enable deep live cell imaging beyond the diffraction limit using only nanowatts of power.

Monitor real-time changes in calcium concentrations

Calcium imaging refers to the precise visualization of calcium ions (Ca2+) within cells, which play a key role in various signalling pathways. By using calcium-sensitive fluorescent dyes or genetically encoded calcium indicators, microscopy can monitor real-time changes in intracellular calcium concentrations. This is especially valuable in neuroscience and cardiac research, where calcium signalling drives critical functions like neuron firing and muscle contraction. 

Limit phototoxicity and photobleaching

Confocal microscopy for calcium imaging faces issues like photobleaching and phototoxicity, which can alter cellular responses during prolonged observation. High-intensity lasers needed for precise imaging can disturb calcium signalling, while limited temporal resolution may miss rapid calcium spikes. These challenges complicate accurate monitoring of fast, transient calcium dynamics in cells.

Capture even the fastest calcium spikes

AION and NL5 provide excellent temporal resolution systems to capture even the fastest calcium spikes. In their fixed line mode, the speed of both AION and NL5 is not limited by the confocal unit but by the imaging speed of the camera which in some cases can go over thousands frames per second. In addition, photobleaching and phototoxicity are minimized due to extremely low laser powers. 


Discover our solutions

Find the appropriate confocal system for your imaging needs.


NL5 is a fast confocal system with high sensitivity and resolution. Quickly screen a multi-well plate with multicolor images, and select the most promising ones.

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AION is the third generation of our fast confocal technology. It provides high contrast images from thicker specimens such as organoids, tissue samples, plant and animal model organisms.

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The perfect solution for live cell super resolution imaging thanks to its very low phototoxicity.

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Capture datasets with 170nm raw resolution (120nm after deconvolution) by using 60x to 100x high numerical aperture (NA) magnification objectives and keep the laser intensity at a minimum.

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RCM Confocal NL | Discover super resolution imaging with Re-scan Confocal Microscope



NL5 is a fast confocal system with high sensitivity and resolution. Quickly screen a multi-well plate with multicolor images, and select the most promising ones.

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AION is the third generation of our fast confocal technology. It provides high contrast images from thicker specimens such as organoids, tissue samples, plant and animal model organisms.

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The perfect solution for live cell super resolution imaging thanks to its very low phototoxicity.

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Capture datasets with 170nm raw resolution (120nm after deconvolution) by using 60x to 100x high numerical aperture (NA) magnification objectives and keep the laser intensity at a minimum.

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